C10 Endura

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The C10 Endura is one of Spyderco's most recognizable knives. It was first introduced in and won Blade Magazine "Overall Knife Of The Year" in 1990. The Endura was one of the first models that Spyderco made with a tip-up clip. It has gone trough 4 major revisions since its inception. It also debuted with its little brother the C11 Delica, they have gone through most major and minor revisions together.

Appearance in catalogs

Since at least 1993 the C10 Endura appeared in all Spyderco product catalogs .

These are the Spyderco Product Guides that feature the C10 Endura, that can be viewed online at the Spyderco.com website:


Sal Glesser [1]

History, mentionings from the forums etc.

  • This information was posted by Sal Glesser on www.bladeforums.com:

The clip was modified (mold change) 6 times during the life of the plastic clip versions (1990 - 1997). All in an effort to keep the integral clip functional and strong. In the end, we changed back to steel clips.

Steel was Gin-1 (called G2 in the early days). There was a period when Gin-1 wasn't available from the foundry so we did a few runs with AUS-8.

Screw in metal clips were only used as replacements on these pieces when we had a break.

We went to the steel clip with the barrel bolt in '98.

We also worked with ATS-55 for a while which was a special steel alloy that Hitachi made for us. We were also testing VG-10 at the time from another foundry (Moran model). After several years, the market preferred VG-10 so we moved production to VG-10 on most models.

"Oddballs" can be common with Spyderco. We make changes as we invent/discover them so there is usually not a time schedule. If we learn that the smaller jimping, for example. is preferred on the spine, we'll shift the model based on production runs, not the calendar. Many of our dealers don't like it and it causes Joyce complications in the catalogs, but the customer (ELU) gets the most refined model sooner.

  • In this post from 6 april 2021, Sal Glesser explains his experience on adding colors to both the Endura and the C11 Delica:

Our early knives were all stainless scales. We were chasing high performance low maintenance. In 1990 we added FRN and offered the Endura and Delica is several colors. Nobody wanted colors :confused: Black only. We ended up discontinuing the colors. It was a shame because I felt that colors changed the "sinister" attached to knives and said, "I'm carrying a cutting tool" and doesn't look like you are trying to hide something.

When we did add colors, it was dark, close to black but different.

Now we like colors :eek: So I would be interested in learning why you like colors on knives? :D And even what colors and why?[2]

Information from the Spyderco catalog on the web

The clip was modified (mold change) 6 times during the life of the plastic clip versions (1990 - 1997). All in an effort to keep the integral clip functional and strong. In the end, we changed back to steel clips.

Steel was Gin-1 (called G2 in the early days). There was a period when Gin-1 wasn't available from the foundry so we did a few runs with AUS-8.

Screw in metal clips were only used as replacements on these pieces when we had a break.

We went to the steel clip with the barrel bolt in '98.

We also worked with ATS-55 for a while which was a special steel alloy that Hitachi made for us. We were also testing VG-10 at the time from another foundry (Moran model). After several years, the market preferred VG-10 so we moved production to VG-10 on most models.

"Oddballs" can be common with Spyderco. We make changes as we invent/discover them so there is usually not a time schedule. If we learn that the smaller jimping, for example. is preferred on the spine, we'll shift the model based on production runs, not the calendar. Many of our dealers don't like it and it causes Joyce complications in the catalogs, but the customer (ELU) gets the most refined model sooner

Here is so more info from Sal, posted on the Spyderco forums

The first Endura's and Delica's were made in 1990. We used a relatively thin integral clip as we had no history on FRN as a spring clip. When some of the clips broke, we added a thin strip on the underside of the clip for reinforcement. Then the 2nd version also showed evidence of not being strong enough, so we remade the tooling for the clip part of the mold and made the entire clip wider and thicker. This was done again a little later. We made 4 variations of the original integral clip before we gave up on the plastic clip and went to metal clips in 1998.

We began the model with Gingami I which was made by Hitachi. It was the best stainless available in Japan at the time. We couldn't put the name Gingami I on the blade becsuse the maker had used it for another company and wanted it to be exclusive for them. We went for a while with no steel markings on the blade. There was no US equivalent so when we decided to mark the blade, and we couldn't use Gingami I, we decided to make up a name and give the steel chemistry with the literature. We called the steel G-2 which stood for "Good Sh*t also". I tend to stretch humor a bit here and there.

As demand and production grew, we reached a point where the maker ran out of Gingami I and Hitachi didn't have any in stock. No one else was using the steel at the time so it was usually special ordered for us, but demand was greater than anticipated. The maker ordered AUS-10 as the closest steel available, but Aichi didn't stock AUS-10 and shipped AUS-8. A few hundred pieces were made with AUS-8 and marked G-2. Then we made the models for a while in AUS-8. We wanted to get it all sorted, so we got permission from the original company to use the name Gingami I (that was being saved). We chose to designate the steel as GIN-1 mostly to save space, but also to avoid confusion and keep everyone involved happy.

Then we changed to ATS-55 which was made by Hitachi as an alternative to ATS-34 (also made by Hitachi) and we were given an exclusive on that steel. We also were testing VG-10 by Takefu at the same time. Ultimately, we decided to use VG-10 for our main models and still do today.

I've always liked Gingami I as a good all around blade steel and we were importing the steel from Hitachi for use in our Golden factory. Then Carpenter made a "tweaked" version of Gingami I and called it CTS-BD1, which we are now using in our Golden plant.

Hope that helps.



Generation 1

The first generation was made with Zytel (registered and owned by DuPont) handles with a molded clip. Zytel is impervious to most enviroment and chemicals and is extremely strong considering its size and light weight making it perfect for pocket knives. Be that as it may the clip was prone to breaking off if it was bent too much so the next batches had thicker ones. (Spyderco is known for always refining its products and listening to their customers concerns). The steels used in these were either G2, GIN 1, or AUS8, sometimes the blade would not be marked with any type of steel at all, in that case it is the G2/GIN 1(one in the same)or AUS8. The handle came in three different colors black, green and red. (in future knives for Spyderco the color red has strictly been used for trainers only) There was also a black coated blade with black scales. The blade came in all 3 variations, full serrations, partial serrations and plain edge although all weren't made with every color handle. There are a few of these enduras with a metal clip screwed into the handle of a broken off clip-it endura. Spyderco would do this for a nominal fee.

Variations of the Endura 1

Black Scales GIN1/G2/AUS8 steel in all 3 edge types

Black Scales AUS8 steel with blackened blade in plain edge

Red Scales GIN1/G2/AUS8 (mine has no stampings) steel in plain edge or fully serrated

Green Scales G2 steel in plain edge or fully serrated

SKU Handle Edge Steel From/To MSRP Note Number made Grind Clip Clip positions Collectors club
C10SBK Black FRN SE GIN-1/G-2 With the thin clip Hollow sabre grind Integral FRN clip
C10PBK Black FRN PE GIN-1/G-2 With the thin clip Hollow sabre grind Integral FRN clip
C10PSBK Black FRN PS GIN-1/G-2 With the thin clip Hollow sabre grind Integral FRN clip
C10SAF (?) Black FRN PE AUS-8 With the thicker clip, black blade Hollow sabre grind Integral FRN clip
C10SAF Black FRN SE GIN-1/G-2 1995-1995 74.95$ (1995) With the thin clip?, black blade Hollow sabre grind Integral FRN clip
C10PRD Red FRN PE GIN-1/G-2 Thin Clip Hollow sabre grind Integral FRN clip
C10SRD Red FRN SE GIN-1/G-2 Thin clip Hollow sabre grind Integral FRN clip

Generation 2

In 1997 the Endura 2 was released. It had AUS6 steel for the blade. Spyderco came out with a new model number C47 Endura II but later categorized it under the same number as the original endura, the C10.

Variations of the Endura 2

A note on steel handled Spyderco knives, many where embellished with logos of law enforcement & fire department agencies as well as spiderwebs with a Spyder on them in every edge type. Some of the variations that I have seen are F.B.I. , Sheriff's Dept. , U.S. Border patrol & U.S.N. Seal teams.

SKU Handle Edge Steel From/To MSRP Note Number made Grind Clip Clip positions Collectors club
C47P Stainless Steel PE AUS-6 1997-1999 71.95$ (1997) N/A Hollow Chrome RH, TD/TU ?
C47S Stainless Steel SE AUS-6 1997-1999 71.95$ (1997) N/A Hollow Chrome RH, TD/TU ?
C10P Stainless Steel PE AUS-6 2000-2006 74.95$ (2000) Formerly C47P Endura II, David Boye dent added to lockbar in 2002 N/A Hollow Chrome RH, TD/TU ?
C10S Stainless Steel SE AUS-6 2000-2006 74.95$ (2000) Formerly C47S Endura II, David Boye dent added to lockbar in 2002 N/A Hollow Chrome RH, TD/TU ?
C10PS Stainless Steel CE AUS-6 2002-2006 78.95$ (2002) David Boye dent in lockbar N/A Hollow Chrome RH, TD/TU ?

Generation 3

This generation of Endura was changed in 1998. Gone is the plastic clip, replaced with a metal clip that could be switched to either side of the handle. The barrel screw holding the clip could be tightened or removed with a few coins and it had a lanyard hole in the middle of it. The scales were changed to Volcano Grip for better traction. The steels available were either ATS-55 or VG10. As a funny sidenote it can be mentioned that the first C77 Spyderhawks had the Endura handle which said Endura in the little circle in the middle of the handle. (See picture in the C77- article).

Variations of the Endura 3

Black scales ATS55 or VG10 steel available in all 3 edge types

Black scales VG10 steel blackend blade in plain edge (this is the one i own, it might have been made with ATS55 steel and in the other 2 edge types)

Tan scales VG10 steel with partial serrations

Blue/Grey Emerson Opener (wave) VG10 steel in plain edge (500 pcs made)

Red scales (trainer) AUS6 steel

Generation 4

The latest version, the Endura 4 came out in 2006. It has some major modifications from the E3. First off are the scales, they are made using Bi-Directional Texturing (trademarked) which lives up to the name as it gives great tracion in any hand grip position that you hold the knife in. To further add traction jimping has been added to the spine of the blade. This is also the first Endura to have skeletonized liners (steel liners with holes cut in to save weight) to give it added strength without adding weight to the knife. The blade has a less pointy tip to avoid breakage. The Enduras have always been workhorses and because of that people have been known to push the knife to its limits and this change helps the tip remain intact. The clip is new and is connected to the liners with 3 small screws this allows it to connected in four different positions (tip-up/tip-down/left hand/right hand). The spydie hole has been enlarged to 13mm.

Variations of the Endura 4

Black scales VG10 steel in all 3 edge types

Black scales VG10 steel with blackened blade with partial serrations

Black scales "Sal Glesser" signature on the blade VG10 steel with a plain edge (1000 pcs made)

Black scales Armorers Tool VG10 Steel with partial serrations

White scales VG10 steel with a plain edge SPRINT RUN (600 pcs made)

Pink scales VG10 steel with a plain edge or partial serrations (500 pcs made)

British Racing Green scales ZDP steel in all 3 edge types

Foliage Green scales VG10 steel with partial serrations

Foliage Green G10 scales VG10 steel with a full flat grind on the blade

Blue/Grey scales Emerson opener (wave) VG10 steel in all 3 edge types

Red scales (Trainer) AUS6 steel

Red scales (Emerson Opener Trainer) AUS6 steel

Toxic Green scales Emerson opener with a blackened blade and partial serrations for the USN Forum (See Forum knives for a complete listing.)

Black FRN scales with full flat grind plain edge VG10 blade

Orange FRN scales with full flat grind plain edge VG10 blade

Green FRN scales with full flat grind plain edge VG10 blade

Purple FRN scales with full flat grind plain edge VG10 blade

Brown FRN scales with full flat grind plain edge VG10 blade

Gray FRN scales with full flat grind plain edge VG10 blade

Blue FRN scales with full flat grind plain edge VG10 blade

Janich modded tip endura in black FRN scales with his signature on the blade, limited quanity

Janich modded tip endura in gray FRN scales with his signature on the blade, limited quanity

Bayou Shooter in olive drab FRN scales with waved VG10 blackend blade in plain edge

Damascus blade in VG10 with blue jigged bone scales and blue colored titanium bolsters, limited quanity. an orange one is to follow in 2013

SKU Handle Edge Steel From/To MSRP Note Number made Grind Clip Clip positions Collectors club
C10 Stainless Steel PE SE CE VG-10 2006- 119.95$ (2011) N/A Hollow Polished 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU ?
C10PBK Black FRN PE VG-10 2006- 99.95$ (2011) N/A Flat Saber Black 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU ?
C10PSBK Black FRN CE VG-10 2006- 99.95$ (2011) N/A Flat Saber Black 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU ?
C10SBK Black FRN SE VG-10 2006- 99.95$ (2011) N/A Flat Saber Black 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU ?
C10TR Red FRN Unsharpened AUS-6 2006- 99.95$ (2011) N/A Skeletonized Black 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU ?
C10GYW Charcoal Gray FRN PE VG-10 mid 2006- 119.95$ (2011) Emerson Wave opener N/A Flat Saber Black 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU ?
C10FG Foliage Green FRN CE SE VG-10 mid 2006- 99.95$ (2011) SE discontinued at end of 2009 N/A Flat Saber Black 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU ?
C10PSTA Black FRN CE VG-10 Nov. 2006-2009 57.95$ street (2012) Lone Wolf Distributor Exclusive. Includes an incorporated folding 3/32 pin punch Glock tool. It was replaced by a plain edge version in 2009. Limited Flat Saber Black 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU
C10GRE British Racing Green FRN PE CE SE ZDP-189 2007-end 2022 149.95$ (2011), $199.50 (2022) CE and SE edges dropped at end of 2009. Switched from Flat Saber grind to Full Flat in 2010. N/A Flat Saber Full Flat Black 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU ?
C10PWH Pink FRN PE CE VG-10 late 2007-2008 84.95$ (2008) Moteng distributor Exclusive. 600 Flat Saber Polished 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU ?
C10G Foliage Green G-10 PE VG-10 2008-2009 159.95$ (2009) N/A Flat Saber 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU ?
C10BBK Black FRN CE VG-10 mid 2008- 114.95$ (2011) Black carbon nitride coated blade. N/A Flat Saber Black 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU ?
C10GYW Charcoal Gray FRN CE SE VG-10 mid 2008-2009 Emerson Wave opener. N/A Flat Saber Black 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU ?
C10PWH White FRN PE ZDP-189 2008 84.95$ (2008) Inspired by New York artist Tom Sachs' full scale reconstruction of man's first walk on the moon. Sprintrun N/A Flat Saber Polished 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU ?
C10PSGRWBK Toxic Green FRN CE VG-10 2009 119.95$ (2009) USN Sprintrun with black titanium carbonitride coated blade, gold Usual Suspects logo, and Emerson Wave opener. Released in two batches of 300. 600 Flat Saber Black 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU Variant
C10PTA Black FRN PE VG-10 2009?- 49.95$ street (2010) Lone Wolf Distributor Exclusive. Includes an incorporated folding 3/32 pin punch Glock tool. Limited Flat Saber Black 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU
C10FPBL Blue FRN PE VG-10 2010- 99.95$ (2011) N/A Full Flat Black 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU ?
C10FPGR Green FRN PE VG-10 2010- 99.95$ (2011) N/A Full Flat Black 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU ?
C10FPGY Gray FRN PE VG-10 2010- 99.95$ (2011) N/A Full Flat Black 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU ?
C10FPBN Brown FRN PE VG-10 2010-2023 99.95$ (2011) N/A Full Flat Black 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU ?
C10FPPR Purple FRN PE VG-10 2010- 99.95$ (2011) N/A Full Flat Black 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU ?
C10PBK-LE Black FRN PE VG-10 2011- 119.95$ (2011) Stay Safe Media Exclusive. Custom Endura personally modified by Michael Janich with shortened and clipped wharncliff-style blade, removed jimping, lapped and polished action, and Michael Janich signature and MBC (Martial Blade Concepts) logo laser engraved on blade. Includes signed box. Limited Full Flat 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU ?
C10FPOR Orange FRN PE VG-10 late 2011- 99.95$ (2011) N/A Full Flat Black 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU
C10GRBBW Olive Green FRN PE VG-10 2012 134.95$ (2011) BayouShooter.com forum Exclusive. Black Titanium Carbonitride coated blade with Emerson opener. See Forum knives for a complete listing. ~600 Flat Saber Black 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU Variant
C10PTAW Black FRN PE VG-10 2012- 74.95$ street (2012) Lone Wolf Distributor Exclusive. Includes an incorporated folding 3/32 pin punch Glock tool and the blade has an Emerson opener. Flat Saber Black 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU Variant
C10FBK Black FRN PE VG-10 2012- 104.95$ (2012) With Full Flat ground blade Full Flat Black 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU Variant
C10FPGYE Grey FRN PE Aogami Super Blue/420J1 2013 139.95$ (2013) Sprintrun 1200 Full Flat Black 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU Variant
C10TID Bead blasted 6AL-4V Ti PE D.P.S. 15 Damascus/VG-10 Mar. 2015- 289.95$ (2015) Stainless steel backspacer. Torx-screw construction Full Flat Polished silver 4-way Hourglass LH/RH, TD/TU Variant
C10FPBORE Burnt orange FRN PE HAP40/SUS 410 Oct. 2015 $154.95 (2015) Sprintrun. HAP40 core with SUS 410 cladding. 1200 Full Flat Polished silver 4-way Hourglass LH/RH, TD/TU Variant
C10PGY-LE Grey FRN PE VG-10 2015- 124.95$ (2015) Stay Safe Media Exclusive. Custom Endura personally modified by Michael Janich with shortened and clipped wharncliff-style blade, removed jimping, lapped and polished action, and Michael Janich signature and MBC (Martial Blade Concepts) logo laser engraved on blade. Includes signed box. It appears that there were 10 of these made specifically for Russian sales back in 2012[3]. Limited Full Flat 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU ?
C10ZFGR Zome Green FRN PE VG-10 Sept 2016- $114.95 (2016) Zome (pronounced "zoh-may") is a class of Japanese handicrafts that specializes in dyeing textiles. Expert Japanese artisans use a technique reminiscent of traditional hiki-zome (brush dyeing) to hand brush various colors of dye onto the handles to create distinctive, one-of-a-kind patterns. Full Flat Black 4-way Hourglass LH/RH, TD/TU Variant
C10PFGD4 Foliage Green FRN PE "Zebra" D.P.S. 15 Damascus Jan 2017- $149.95 (2017) Moteng distributor exclusive Limited Full Flat Black 4-way Hourglass LH/RH, TD/TU Variant
C10WDP Mahogany Pakkawood PE HAP40/SUS 410 July 2017 $239.95 (2017) KnifeCenter dealer exclusive. HAP40 core with SUS 410 cladding. Full Flat Chrome silver 4-way Hourglass LH/RH, TD/TU
C10FPBLE Blue-gray FRN PE V-Toku2/SUS 310 June 2018 $134.95 (2018) Sprintrun. V-Toku2 core with SUS 310 cladding. 1200 Full Flat Black 4-way Hourglass LH/RH, TD/TU Variant
C10ZFPOR Zome orange/black FRN PE HAP40/SUS 410 July 2018 $159.95 (MSRP), $103.97 (street) Cutlery Shoppe dealer exclusive. HAP40 core with SUS 410 cladding. Spyderco catalog listing here. Limited Full Flat Polished silver 4-way Hourglass LH/RH, TD/TU Variant
C10ZFPDCMO Desert camo Zome FRN PE VG-10 Aug. 2018 $129.96 (2018) Sportsman's Supply, Inc. distributor Exclusive. Zome (pronounced "zoh-may") is a class of Japanese handicrafts that specializes in dyeing textiles. Expert Japanese artisans use a technique reminiscent of traditional hiki-zome (brush dyeing) to hand brush various colors of dye onto the handles to create distinctive, one-of-a-kind patterns. Limited Full Flat Chrome 4-way hourglass LH/RH, TD/TU Variant
C10FPWCBK Black FRN PE VG-10 Feb. 2019- $125.00 (2019) Wharncliffe blade. Regular production Full Flat Black 4-way Hourglass LH/RH, TD/TU Variant
C10FSWCBK Black FRN SE VG-10 Feb. 2019-2023 $125.00 (2019) Wharncliffe blade. Regular production Full Flat Black 4-way Hourglass LH/RH, TD/TU Variant
C10FPBKSG Black FRN PE Super Gold2/SUS 410 Mar. 2019 $129.99 (pre-order street), $130.00 (later availability) Massdrop Exclusive. Super Gold2 core with SUS 410 cladding. Matte gold finish on lockbar. Pre-orders open April 3, 2018, with shipments projected to ship in October. The first drop is 400 units, but they have the option to order more (up to 1000 pieces total between both runs). These became available to purchase again on Sept. 30, 2019. As of this time, it shows 1,100 have been sold, so it appears they've produced more than initially promised. ~1100 Full Flat Black 4-way Hourglass LH/RH, TD/TU
C10FPNBD Steel blue FRN PE D.P.S. 15 Damascus/VG-10 core Oct. 2019 $99.75 (street) KnifeJoy dealer Exclusive. Pre-orders open Sept. 30, 2019. Limited Full Flat Chrome silver 4-way hourglass LH/RH, TD/TU
C10FPWCBK Black FRN PE VG-10 2019 - $130.00 (2021) Features a Wharncliffe Blade Regular production Full Flat Black 4-way hourglass LH/RH, TU Variant
C10FSWCBK Black FRN SE VG-10 2019 - $130.00 (2021) Features a Wharncliffe Blade Regular production Full Flat Black 4-way hourglass LH/RH, TU Variant
C10FPK390 Blue FRN PE K390 2020 - $190.00 (2021) Regular production Full Flat Chrome 4-way hourglass LH/RH, TU Variant
C10ZFPOR Zome orange/black FRN PE HAP40/SUS 410 Feb. 2020 $159.95 (MSRP). $95.97 (street) Cutlery Shoppe dealer Exclusive. Zome (pronounced "zoh-may") is a class of Japanese handicrafts that specializes in dyeing textiles. Expert Japanese artisans use a technique reminiscent of traditional hiki-zome (brush dyeing) to hand brush various colors of dye onto the handles to create distinctive, one-of-a-kind patterns. Limited Full Flat Chrome 4-way hourglass LH/RH, TD/TU Variant
C10ZFPGITD Zome GITD/black FRN PE VG-10 Apr. 2020 $149.95 (2020) Sportsman's Warehouse/Moteng distributor Exclusive with a glow in the dark FRN. Zome (pronounced "zoh-may") is a class of Japanese handicrafts that specializes in dyeing textiles. Expert Japanese artisans use a technique reminiscent of traditional hiki-zome (brush dyeing) to hand brush various colors of dye onto the handles to create distinctive, one-of-a-kind patterns. Limited Full Flat Chrome 4-way hourglass LH/RH, TD/TU Variant
C10FPTLS30V Teal FRN PE CPM-S30V Apr. 2020 $145.00 (2020) MGE Wholesale distributor Exclusive. 1400 Full Flat Chrome silver 4-way hourglass LH/RH, TD/TU Variant
C10ZFPGGITDBK Zome GITD/black FRN PE Black TiCN coated VG-10 July 2020 $164.00 (2020) Sportsman's Warehouse/Moteng distributor Exclusive with a glow in the dark FRN. Zome (pronounced "zoh-may") is a class of Japanese handicrafts that specializes in dyeing textiles. Expert Japanese artisans use a technique reminiscent of traditional hiki-zome (brush dyeing) to hand brush various colors of dye onto the handles to create distinctive, one-of-a-kind patterns. 925 Full Flat Black 4-way hourglass LH/RH, TD/TU Variant
C10ZPGYD Zome Gray/black FRN PE D.P.S. 15 Damascus/VG-10 core Oct. 2020 $170.00 (2020) Sportsman's Warehouse/Moteng distributor Exclusive with a gray and black FRN. Zome (pronounced "zoh-may") is a class of Japanese handicrafts that specializes in dyeing textiles. Expert Japanese artisans use a technique reminiscent of traditional hiki-zome (brush dyeing) to hand brush various colors of dye onto the handles to create distinctive, one-of-a-kind patterns. Limited Full Flat Chrome 4-way hourglass LH/RH, TD/TU Variant
C10FPK390 "Distinctive" blue FRN PE K390 Nov. 2020 $185.00 (2020) Regular production Full Flat Black 4-way hourglass LH/RH, TD/TU Variant
C10FWK390 "Distinctive" blue FRN PE K390 Sep. 2020 $204.00(2022) Features a Wharncliffe blade Regular production Full Flat Black 4-way hourglass LH/RH, TD/TU Variant
C10FSK390 Blue FRN SE K390 2021 - $190.00 (2021) Regular production Full Flat Chrome 4-way hourglass LH/RH, TU Variant
C10FPSBKBL Black FRN with a bright blue lining CE VG-10 2021-2023 $140.00 (2021) Part of Spyderco’s “Thin Blue Line” series, created as a tribute to police officers. Every knife features a handle with a bright blue liner and backspacer, and the blade is laser engraved with the motto “ To Serve and Protect”. A portion of all sales of these knives will be donated to the Tunnel to Towers Foundation (tunnel2towers.org). Regular production Full Flat 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU Variant
C10FPSBKRD Black FRN with a bright red lining CE VG-10 2021-2023 $140.00 (2021) Part of Spyderco’s “Thin Red Line” series, created as a tribute to firefighters. Every knife features a handle with a bright red liner and backspacer, and the blade is laser engraved with the motto “Save and Serve.” Spyderco will donate a portion of all sales of “Thin Red Line” knives to the Wildland Firefighter Foundation (wffoundation.org). Regular production Full Flat 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU Variant
C10FPNB20CV Steel Blue FRN CE CPM-20CV October 2021 $114.95 (2021, street price) Knifejoy dealer Exclusive. Spyderco refers to the FRN color as 'Navy' instead of 'Steel Blue' as marketed by Knifejoy Limited Full Flat Chrome 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU Variant
C10FBLBKS35VN Bright blue FRN PE Black TiCN coated CPM-S35VN Dec. 2021 $190.00 (2021) Blade HQ/Nutnfancy dealer exclusive. "xxxx of 1230 TNP 10/2021" engraved on rear of blade. This was specially made for The Nutnfancy Project (TNP). Features all black hardware (screws/pivot/lock bar). 1009 Full Flat Black 4-way hourglass LH/RH, TD/TU
C10FWK390 Blue FRN PE, SE K390 2022 - 2023 $204.00 (2022) The C10FWK390 also features a Wharncliffe blade. Regular production Full Flat Chrome 4-way LH/RH, TD/TU Variant

C10WDBKP Black Pakkawood PE D.P.S. 15 Damascus/VG-10 Nov. 2022 $320.00(2022, MSRP), $224.00 (2022, Street) Knifecenter dealer exclusive Limited production Full Flat Chrome 4-way hourglass LH/RH, TD/TU Variant
C10FPGRM4 Mint green FRN PE CPM-M4 Aug. 2023 $175 (2023, MSRP), $129.95 (2023, Street) Blade HQ dealer exclusive Limited production Full Flat Chrome 4-way hourglass LH/RH, TD/TU Variant
C10FPGRM4BK Mint green FRN PE Black DLC-coated CPM-M4 28 May, 2024 $190.00 (2024, MSRP), $134.95 (2024, Street) Blade HQ dealer exclusive Limited production Full Flat Black 4-way hourglass LH/RH, TD/TU Variant
C10BGBK Deep burgundy FRN PE Black TiCN coated Micro-Melt PD#1 2024 $182.00 (2024) Sprint Run ~1200 Full Flat Black 4-way hourglass LH/RH, TD/TU Variant

Other variations

SKU Handle Edge Steel From/To MSRP Note Number made Grind Clip Clip positions Collectors club
C10JBBP Blue Jigged bone, Ti bolsters PE D.P.S. 15 Damascus/VG-10 March 2012 $349.95 Sprintrun, blue jigged-bone handle, blue Ti bolsters, zippered pouch 1000 Full Flat None N/A Variant
C10JBOP Orange Jigged bone, Ti bolsters PE D.P.S. 15 Damascus/VG-10 August 2013 $379.95 Sprintrun, orange jigged-bone handle, bronze toned Ti bolsters, zippered pouch 1200 Full Flat None N/A Variant

Most collectible variation

Generation 1's in red or green, or black handled one with the black blade are getting harder to find as of late as well as any color with a combination edge blade. Endura 3 with the Emerson Wave opener were made for a self defense forum. It was limited to 500 pieces, of those a 25 were bought and embellished for Messerforum.net. (these are the rarest Enduras that I know of, although they are an aftermarket variation). Another somewhat rare endura (at least in the States) is the Endura 4 with Sal Glesser's signature etched on the blade . I believe there were 1000 knives made like this for a russian importer and distributor. The latest Sprint Run of the endura was E4 in bright pink limited to 600 pieces, many of which are still available. As mentioned above there are many steel handled enduras with logos of different agencies that are limited for initial sale only to thier respective members.

Questions regarding collecting the C10

Technical information

Measurements (mm and grams)

Model Length overall Length closed Cutting Length edge Hole Ø Blade thickness Weight
C10 Endura I with FRN handles 216 ? 95 ? ? 78.5 g
C10 Endura II with stainless steel handles 216 ? 95 ? ? 156 g
C10 Endura III with FRN handles 218 ? 96 ? ? 82 g
C10 Endura IV with FRN handles 222 127 88 13 3 103 g
C10 Endura IV with stainless steel handles 222 124 87 13 3 161 g

Measurements (inches and ounces)

Model Length overall Length closed Cutting Length edge Hole Ø Blade thickness Weight
C10 Endura I with FRN handles 8 3/4" ? 3 1/4" ? ? 2.75 oz
C10 Endura II with stainless steel handles 8 1/2" ? 3 3/4" ? ? 5.5 oz
C10 Endura III with FRN handles 8 11/16" ? 3 3/4" ? ? 2.9 oz
C10 Endura IV with stainless steel handles 8 3/4" 4 7/8" 3 7/16" 17/32" 1/8" 5 5/8 oz
C10 Endura IV with FRN handles 8 3/4" 5" 3 7/16" 1/2" 1/8" 3.6 oz


  1. Sal Glesser's original comment can be found on Spyderco-Forums [1]
  2. From the Spyderco.com discussion forum thread 'Colors - Talkin' Story - Marketing'
  3. 10 grey Michael Janich Enduras made specifically for Russian sales back in 2012


First generation Enduras:

First generation Enduras

Etched SS Enduras:

Etched SS Enduras

Waved Enduras

Waved Enduras

Three generations of black bladed Enduras:

3 Generations of Black Bladed Enduras.jpg

The Russian distributor special Sal Glesser Endura:

Sal Glesser Endura.jpg

Foliage green Enduras:

Foliage Green Enduras.jpg

Several different Enduras:

Group Shot Enduras.jpg
